Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Snellville Fall Festival

This afternoon, my first-born child and I went to the Snellville Fall Festival, just a few miles away from where we live in Grayson. Here are a few of the many pictures I took there.

After we walked around for a few minutes, I bought FB a cherry Italian ice.

I finished the Italian ice (Fox was done with it), and then we went to Walmart.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Stone Mountain Park's Historic Square and the Pumpkin Festival

 Today, FB and I went to Stone Mountain Park to visit the "old houses" (the area now called the Historic Square) and go to the Crossroads area (which is currently having its Pumpkin Festival). Here are some of the pictures I took while we were there:

The cats of the Historic Square were a little skittish because of the noises of construction and maintenance; this one, who was hanging out in the General Store which is the entrance to the Historic Square, was minimally skittish and appreciated our attention.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Cats

 Earlier today I came upstairs to this:

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Burt's Farm, 2024

Today made our annual trek up to Burt's Farm in Dawsonville to look at pumpkins and feel like it was fall (which it was). The place was, as I expected, very busy (this being a weekend and Gwinnett County schools being out on Fall break); nonetheless, Anna and Elyse both made purchases and hauled them back to the car.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Elyse's First Concert

Tonight Anna took Elyse to her first concert! (ARTMS, one of Elyse's favorite K-Pop groups, at the Tabernacle.)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ponce City Market

This afternoon I spent a little time in Ponce City Market, which I'd only visited once before. It's a pretty good place to walk around for a few minutes and take some pictures. Here are a few of mine.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Fairytale Cottage

This past weekend we stayed at a Fairy Tale Cottage in Chickamauga, Georgia. It was a pretty cool place, all decked out, as perhaps you can imagine, in fairy tale stuff -- miscellaneous decorations, books, figures, furniture, etc. Here are some of the pictures I took of the cottage.

(These four Anton Pieck prints were on the wall in the kitchen)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


This afternoon a squirrel was both relaxing on our bird feeders while trying to figure out how to thwart the "squirrel-proof" feeder. I'm pretty sure he got it figured out, though the pole was slippery and he didn't get too many sunflower seeds. Still, he proved that our feeder isn't actually squirrel-proof at all. 

I suspect that the phrase "squirrel-proof" is less a statement of invulnerability than it is a challenge to squirrels, a challenge which they inevitably take and win.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Freeman's Mill Park

Yesterday, in a move that had nothing to do with our anniversary, Anna and I, and also Gabriel, went to Freeman's Mill Park in Lawrenceville. Here are some of the pictures Gabriel took (and then teted to me) on our visit:

(All photos by Gabriel Burdett)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Twenty-Three Years!

Today is our anniversary; Anna and I have been married for twenty-three years!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

McDaniel Farm Park

Today Gabriel and I went to McDonald's Farm Park to walk around and take pictures, and we saw, among other things, some deer (two adults, or at least older deer, and two babies, or at least much younger deer) out in the pasture. They looked like they were playing, but were probably just eating. (I took these pictures with a 250 mm lens; we kept a respectful distance away -- not that we had much choice, what with the fence between us and all.)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Bunny in the Backyard

I took this, through a living-room window, in late May when there was a bunny on the ground looking for something worth eating among what the birds had dropped from the hanging feeders. I haven't seen him (or her, or them -- I don't mean to impose gender roles or identity on the rabbit) since, so there must not have been enough on the ground to warrant a return trip.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


This afternoon as Gabriel and I were driving home from Kroger, we saw this rainbow in the sky over...well, probably Loganville, but we couldn't tell how far away it was:

Photo by Gabriel Burdett

Gabriel took this picture and texted it to me; I edited it a little and posted it here.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Zoo Atlanta

Today we went to the zoo. I didn't take a lot of pictures, but here's one of me and Gabriel:

This picture might have been taken by Gabriel and texted to me; I'm not sure

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Braxton Antiques

A few days ago, Gabriel and I went on a Tame Adventure to Braxton Antiques in Loganville. These are some of the pictures I took there:

Somehow I didn't even notice that my face was in the mirror on the middle of this picture! Now I can't see anything else.